Let’s go Green with Laguna Lăng Cô!
Cleaning Communities, with four clean-up campaigns every year aim to improve the surroundings and create awareness among all associates, hotel guests, especially local communities about environmental issues.
Date: 21 April – 5 Oct – 19 Oct and 8 Dec 2019
To address global issues related to plastic waste and create a clean and safe environment for everyone, we collaborated with different partners including local government, Chan May Port Border Defense, Women Union, Youth Union and local schools to hold four clean-up campaigns over the year. Together, we collected 5,556.5 kg of trash and engaged 885 people in total. Beyond garbage collection, these campaigns also consisted of information sharing through presentations, providing environmental friendly shopping bags and raising awareness through “Exchange trash for gifts” activity in which local people are motivated to donate recyclable waste and the revenue from selling these recyclables will then be used for the waste bank of Chan May Port Border Defense for charity purpose.

Day 1: 21 April | Loc Vinh Secondary School and roads around Binh An Village
185 students and members of Loc Vinh Youth Union joined the event with Laguna Lang Co associates to collect 109.5 kg trash
Day 2: 5 Oct | Canh Duong and Binh An Village
We collaborated with Chan May Port Border Defense, Loc Vinh People’s Committee, Loc Vinh Secondary School and Binh An Primary School to clean up Canh Duong beach and residential areas of Binh An Village.
222 community members and 78 associates worked hard to collect 4 tons of trash in one and half hour.
Day 3: 19 Oct| Loc Thuy Commune
86 associates of Laguna Lang Co, together with 50 members of Loc Thuy Commune Women Union participated in a seminar to celebrate the 89th anniversary of Vietnamese Women Union. Laguna Lang Co CSR team delivered a presentation on “Women lead actions to tackle plastic pollution” to inspire and promote behavior changes among members of Loc Thuy Commune Women Union. After the seminar, people joined a clean-up activity around Nuoc Ngot Market.
Collected 577 kg of trash just within one hour. 99% of trash were plastic bags.
Day 4: 8 Dec | Loc Vinh Commune
With 170 participants who are soldiers of Chan May Port Border Defense, members of Loc Vinh Commune’s Youth Union, students of Loc Vinh Secondary School and 85 associates from Laguna Lang Co, after one hour, 870 kg of trash was collected from Binh An beach, surrounding areas of Binh An Village and Bu Lu Bridge. To motivate local students in clean-up campaigns, Laguna Lang Co provided gifts in exchange for recyclable wastes like aluminium cans, paper that the students brought and the revenue from selling these wastes were donated to the Green House Fund of Chan May Port Border Defense. This initiative has caught the attendance of mass media and praise from the Province’s leaders.
Date: 21st January – 11th June – 15th September – 25th October 2018
To address global issues related to plastic waste and create a clean and safe environment for everyone, we collaborated with different partners including local government, Chan May Port Border Defense, Women Union, Youth Union and local schools to hold four clean-up campaigns over the year. Together, we collected 5,556.5 kg of trash and engaged 885 people in total. Beyond garbage collection, these campaigns also consisted of information sharing through presentations, providing environmental friendly shopping bags and raising awareness through “Exchange trash for gifts” activity in which local people are motivated to donate recyclable waste and the revenue from selling these recyclables will then be used for the waste bank of Chan May Port Border Defense for charity purpose.

Day 1: 21st January | Loc Vinh commune
The day had a participation of 17 Laguna Lăng Cô associates, 65 local people from Loc Vinh commune. Totally 79 kg of garbage were collected and sent to the Loc Vinh central garbage.
Day 2: 11th June | Binh An and Canh Duong residental
Laguna Lăng Cô organized the cleaning activity nearby Binh An and Canh Duong residental. The cleaning day was much effective with the involvement of 30 Laguna Lăng Cô associates, 117 local people and Loc Vinh secondary students. After more than an hour of hard work, we collected 360 kg of garbage, brought the cleanness for assigned areas.
Day 3: 15th September | Binh An beach
There were more than 80 participants including Laguna Lang Co associates from Seedlings team, Kitchen, Golf, F&B, Engineering… and over 60 local students in Loc Vinh Secondary School who has been with us in Green Heart program so far. Totally 180 kilograms of garbage were collected and sorted to 2 types of garbage: recycle garbage and non – recycle garbage with the joyful support of all participants.
Day 4: 25th October | Xom Coi
With 59 students in Loc Vinh Secondary School, Laguna Lang Co has collected 40 kilograms of garbage in Xom Coi in Loc Vinh Commune.
Date: 5th & 7th June 2017 – Canh Duong Beach and Binh An Commune
In spite of the unexpected weather, Laguna Lăng Cô finished 2 days of Cleaning Community Together campaign with enthusiastic volunteer spirit from Laguna Lăng Cô HODs, associates together with local people and representative of Loc Vinh Military and Loc Vinh Communist Youth Union.

Day 1: 5th Jun | Binh An Commune, particularly along the main road, Binh An residence and the local market.
We had a participation of 32 Laguna Lăng Cô associates, 33 local residents and representatives from Loc Vinh Military and Loc Vinh Communist Youth Union.
Totally of garbage collected: 160 kg
Day 2: 7th Jun | Canh Duong beach and nearby road along Canh Duong residence.
There was involvement of 35 LLC associates, 15 local soldiers from Loc Vinh Military.
Totally of garbage collected: 78 kg
Date: 6th & 7th June 2016 – Canh Duong Beach and Binh An Commune
In-conjunction with group innitative and World Environement day, Laguna Lăng Cô CSR continues our commitment to give a hand to tackle this global issue by organizing 2 days of cleaning activities in 2 different locations: Canh Duong Beach and Binh An Commune.

Day 1: 6th June | Canh Duong Beach
After over an hour, our volunteers collected 90 kg of rubbish and made the beach look much nicer and cleaner. The effort was highly appreciated by the local community with their support and spontaneous participation.
Day 2: 7th June | Binh An Commune
With great efforts from all volunteers as well as the local Youth Union, Binh An commune was cleaned up properly; all rubbish collected was sent to the Loc Vinh central garbage dump
Date: 2nd- 4th & 6th June 2015 – Canh Duong Beach,Binh An Commune and primary school, Hoi An Old Town
Celebrating Banyan Tree’s group-wide Cleaning Communities campaign, Laguna Lăng Cô organized 3 Cleaning Communities Days from June 1 to June 7 at 3 different locations including the nearby Canh Duong beach, Binh An commune and primary school, and Hoi An old town.
Aside from these dates, the hotels also organizes monthly beach cleaning day at Angsana and Banyan Tree beach with the participation of guests and associates.

Day 1 – 2nd June | Canh Duong Beach
More than 70 kg of rubbish were collected by 22 associates. The effort was highly appreciated by the local community with their support and spontaneous participation.
Day 2 – 4th June | Binh An commune and primary school
More than 110 kg of rubbish were collected by 26 associates and nearly 100 students at Binh An primary school.
Day 3 – 6th June | Hoi An old town
More than 50 kg of rubbish were collected by 16 associates including Laguna Lăng Cô management and Seedlings restaurant’s staffs, with the support of nearly 30 trainees from the local REACH organization. The campaign attracted the attention of local people and tourists in the ancient town.